Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hi to all,
This will jsut be a quick blog in order for me to answer the two questions that came in on comments. Ruth, Robert Cook is an astrologer. What I find so interesting is that he could have known so much about Dan when he was given no information about Dan except Dan's birthdate and birthtime. For me, his reading added a dimention to the equation that I had not formerly considered. And it helped me to see all of Dan's difficulties from another perspective entirely. As astrologers go, I know of none better.

And Susie Q, in reference to your question regarding how to support a friend who is approaching the anniversay of her child's death, I will say this: Take the time to be with her. The greatest gift you can give her is the gift of your time and your presense...exactly what you knew I needed so much when Dan passed. Only a few friends, 3 to be exact and you amonst them, really altered their busy schedules, taking a day off work if need be and driving some distance as well, to be with me but those were the people who helped the most. Everyone cares and everyone expresses their condolences but it is the ones who actually sit with you, eat with you and just pass some time with you that allow you to feel supported. It's the most you can do, to make the time, even if you are inconvenienced, to be present in her life. What you two do isn't important, that the time is put aside and freely given, is. The other thing that you can do is make her a memorial for Andrew. You know how to make them because you helped me to design them and they are unique and certainly not something she will find in a store, so if you want to give her a gift, that would be a wonderful gift. But, above all, there is no gift greater than the gift of friendship and your friendship Q, is worth so very much.

Again, I urge all of you reading this to sign in and come forward by telling us about yourself and your child. And keep in mind, you do not have to be a bereaved parent for your comments to have meaning here, so please, if you've got anything to say, SAY IT!

Until later,

1 comment:

  1. Sheri,
    Having friends to sit with you must have been a blessing. I didn't have that nor do I now 5 months later. You have been a great support to me as you know. It seems as though my "friends" the ones that didn't move away avoid me. I swear they must think that having an adult child with cancer is catching.
    Thank you for starting this blog, I look forward to learning more about myself and other's ways toward healing.
