Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hi again,

Many of you have expressed having difficulty posting comments. This is what I have figured out. If you want to post a comment go first to the home page and look in the left hand margin for something that reads: Follow and connect with your friends---Google friend connect. If you hit on that you can open a free google (gmail) account by providing a user name and a password. It takes two seconds and I am told that gmail has less spam! Then you write your comments and just below the comment box it says: Comment as: and there is an arrow and you are to hit on the arrow to select a profile. You will select google and because you now have a google account you can use your new user name and password.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheri,

    How do I get in touch with you? I am the founder of COPE (Connecting Our Paths Eternally)in memory and guided by my daughter, Michelle. We run spiritual workshops once a month on Long Island.

