Wednesday, March 4, 2009

First Greeting

Hi and greetings to all,
Thank you for your time and interest in my blog. I am hoping that this blog will bring many of us together to share our experiences with each other. Although anyone is welcome to read and comment on this site, primarily I am reaching out to other parents who, like myself, have lost a child.

My beautiful son Danny died last summer on July 1, 2008. He was 22 years old and died from an overdose of prescription drugs and alcohol. Needless-to-say, we miss him everyday and only wish we could have kept him with us longer. I don't have to tell you what this feels like, for the pain is known all too well by all of us. However, that is not why I am starting this blog. Although it is a large part of what motivates me, there are countless support groups for the sharing of pain and loss. This network is for parents who are interested in what I call "Connecting up" and by that I mean interested in connecting with their child. This can be done through numerous means and I am not just referring to sitting with mediums, as valuable as that is. For those who are willing to consider the possibility that the essence of their child has not been destroyed, and that their unique personality may have survived death, there is a way to open the channels that will allow you to have a relationship with your child. Not a physical one, that aspect of the relationship is over. Our children are no longer in physical bodies, but they have not been erased from the universe either! We simply have to learn to seek them where they dwell.

They exist now is a realm of spirit. We can connect up with them because we are also spirit now, while still in our physical bodies. In my next blog I will write about how I know that I am in part spirit and why there is receptivity. I will also share my belief that our children are as greatly benefitted and uplifted by these connections as we are.

Please sign your name and say hello! Let us know your child's name and a little bit about him or her. Share yourself and your experiences with me and others, for we are stronger together. I welcome you!



  1. Sheri,
    Thank you for starting this blog, especially today as today is the 4th of the month and it marks the 5th month since my son's heart beat for the last time.
    Josh was my youngest son a mere 27 when he left. He fought the battle no child should have to fight Hodgkins Lymphoma, supposidly the only cureable cancer. His strength was evident even as a small child but I had no idea what his future held, and how his strength would be a testement to his life.
    He was a happy young child as are most kids. His teen years were so hard for him.
    I miss him today and I think I am in a bit of denial.

    I look forward to meeting other parents dealing with their loss's and perhaps through each other we can learn to live the new life that has been chosen for us.

  2. I'm with you Ruth. I look forward to meeting many other parents in order to share what we know and gain strength from each other, so please, keep in touch. I only met your Josh on those few brief occasions but I could see that great strength that you speak of. I know his love is strong as it always was for all of you and that he will never be far away from you and the rest of the Dapp family. Love, S

  3. Sheri,

    As your cousin who has always found your beliefs so inspiring, I look forward to journeying with you and others on your blog and learning more about the spiritual realm that I KNOW is out there.
    My heart will forever ache for your loss of Danny, but I am thankful you are able to continue to heal through your higher thinking and connecting with others and helping them too.
    Much Love,

  4. Hi Sheri,
    This is Roz, it is good of you to start this blog
    for all of us that have experienced the loss of our dear children. My son Andrew who was only 39 years young and an acomplished musician, died in a similar way as did your son Danny. Andrew will be gone 2 years April 18th, and I dread this this time of year when the day is growing near, I am reminded of all the events that surrounded his death. It's not that I don't think about him throughout the year and each and every day, but on and around this date,I seem to recall all of the events and replay them in my head and think of what I might have done differently that may have saved him, and it's awful to think about,when I am unable to do anything to change it.
    So blogging may be a good thing to be doing, hopefully it will be easier to get through this time of year.
    I have also seen mediums in the past, and read many books about spirtual communication, maybe you have more insight into communicating with the spirit then I do.
    I have been recently reading "Staying Connected" by Rudolf Steiner,Selected Talks and Meditations, Staying Connected to People who Have Died .
    Thanks so much for this blog, it will be good to hear your continued thoughts and ideas on connecting to the spirit of our children.
    Love to you and all our sisters and brothers who are in pain.

  5. To Sheri and all bereaved parents,

    This communication with others who have experienced the loss of a child is comforting to say the least.
    Sher,even though you know Githa's story, I will add it to this space as a means of sharing my pain and experience.
    Our family lost a daughter and sister on Nov.23rd 2003 at the age of 25,to Childhood Leukemia.
    Githa was diagnosed in June 2002, and was first given so much hope for survival.
    But after so many different treatments, protocols and a bone marrow transplant, after 18 months of being sick, she succumbed to her illness.
    We all miss her dearly and deal with this loss in our own personal ways.
    There's not one way to grieve, nor is there a set time frame.
    One may grow during this process,or one might get stuck and can't continue on.
    I wholeheartedly recommend to find ways to make your pain more bearable, be it in reading books that deal with the subject, joining bereavement groups or just talking to people you trust and who are willing to listen to you.
    It is a process and journey for sure.
    Your child may be gone physically, but her or his spirit will always be there for you to access.
    You will hear them in your heart, I sometimes have these conversations with my daugther, and from the answers I'm getting, I know that it's she.

    I wish you all peace and strength on this incredibly difficult and challenging journey.

    Maria Ong
