Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hi all,

I'd like to share with you something that I do that helps me. Of course the fact that I believe that Dan has gone on, and that he close by, makes this even more helpful, however, it is my feeling that it will help you either way. I call it The Love Infusion.

I usually do this lying down in my bed but sitting in a chair or on the couch is fine. Here is what I do. I imagine that Dany is standing at the foot of my bed. I say in my mind, "I can't see you, but I know you're here." Then I start my deep breathing, inhaling slowly and exhaling thoroughly. As I breathe in I try to feel the cool air as it passes by the tip of my nostrils and as I exhale I feel the warm air as it passes out. In and out, in cool, out cool, out warm. Then I add these words and this visualization. As I exhale I think "I love you, I love you, I send you this love", and I envision the love and energy flowing outward from me to Dan. Then, on the inhale I envision Dan saying the same words to me and sending me his love. As I imagine him saying those same words to me, "I love you, I love you, I send you this love," I envision drawing the loving energy into myself as I inhale. I go back and forth with each inhale and exhale, sending and receiving this loving energy.

That is basically all that there is to the exercise. On the inhale you receive his or her love, on the exhale you send out yours. No matter what you believe, the exercise is helpful. Certainly the exhale is easy and natural to do. We have always directed our love to our children from the time of their birth, and so we are simply continuing to do so. I believe that they benefit greatly from any love sent to them so this part feels natural and easy. Imagining receiving their love on the inhale may be a stretch for some of you, but it helps anyway.

Some days when I am feeling down I think I hear Danny say, "Oh Sheri", (he loved to call me by my first name) just do an infusion" and so I do and it lifts some of the sorrow. I invite all of you to try it and please, keep me posted as to how this works for you. The whole point of this blog is for us to come together and support each other so please do write in. Also, this can be done with living children as well, especially if they are away or it you are having some difficulty relating to them. So, give it a try!

I recently made up some small business type cards to pass around in order to spread word about our blog site. If any of you would like some to pass around in your community, please give me your mailing address and I will gladly send some out to you.

I send out my love and blessings to all of you on this rainy Sunday morning and hope to hear from you soon,

Be well,

1 comment:

  1. Sheri,
    I got the cards today and as soon as I can leave my house for more then just the mail I will distribute them.
    Thank You for starting this blog and caring so much.
