Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Boy did I have a night last night! I went to a large group session, (approximately 120 people) with medium Reverend Ron Fredrecks, who is a medium extraordinaire! Let me tell you how this went.
I was there with Jessica and Aaron. As the room filled up as Reverend Ron spoke of his work, and asked people to turn off their cell phones, stressing that a cell phone ringing could break his trance. Then we were all given a small piece of paper that was folded in half. It was called a billet. We were instructed to fill them out the billets in a specific way. You could write down as many a 3 names of people you would like to connect up with, the relationship that they had to you, ask one question and print and sign your name. This is what mine looked like.

Daniel Migdol Son
Herman Perl father
Harry Edwards mentor

I am assisted by you in my healing work

Sheri Perl Migdol

The billets were collected in a little basket. All I could figure was that he was going to read these billets and see what he picked up. Wrong again! At his request the group sand "Cumbaya" and while we were doing this he taped his eyes shut and put a big blindfold over them. There is no way this man was going to read those billets with his eyes!

In an instant he reached his hand into the basket, took out a billet, rubbed it between his fingers and then held it up against his forehead. Then he would say something like this, "I have a beautiful woman here by the name of Elisa Mendola" and each time someone would say, that is my mother or my father or my brother. Never once did he bring up a name that no one related to. He got first and LAST names, totally correctly and some of these names were long and complicated.

About a third of the way into this Ron asked who Aaron was. Aaron acknowledged. On his billet he had put Daniel Migdol---brother Herman Perl---Grandfather and his question had to do with the mysterious way lights go on and off around him. He asked Dan if he was responsible for this. Reverend Ron just came out and said that Daniel and Herman were there and that they were saying that they both are responsible for the light show. Then Ron said that John was there, (my grandfather) and that he said he has nothing to do with the lights!

Then Ron inquired as to whether there was a sister and then he said he was getting the name Jessica. Jess acknowleged, quietly. In response to her question to Dan which was "Can you hear me", he said that he can hear her, even when she talks very quietly but that she could talk louder in this bog group. He went on to say that if she would take the time to sit back and take in a deep breath, that she would hear his answer.

Then Ron asked who was Perl and wasn't that my maiden name? I said it was. He then said to me, "He was your son". Yes, indeed he was and is! In response to my question I was told that spirit is with me all the time helping me and my children.

It is hard to recall exact words but that was the gist of it. I hope my recording came out which I will check shortly. I simply had to write this blog first thing because I am so excited about it. I have never seen a medium take on an entire room of people and give each and every one of them a pertinent, evidential message from one or more of their loved ones on the other side. It was truely uplifting to see that everyone has someone that still watches and cares deeply for them and that our loved ones are indeed themselves.

I hope you are all well and to hear from you when time allows!

Love and blessings,

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