Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hi Everyone!

I hope that all of you are well. I wanted to share a story about one of our own blog members. For the sake of privacy, I will call her Renee.

Renee lost her son Allen approximately 2 years ago. He was another younger crossing, in his early 20's I believe. Renee was feeling the desire to try to connect up with Allen and so a couple of months ago she had a session with a woman in upstate N.Y., not far from where she lives.

The medium did not pick up on anything revelant to Renee who eventually told the woman that she had lost her son Allen and that she was hoping to connect up with him. Then the woman gave her the name Henry, which also meant nothing to Renee. The medium then told her that Henry was the spirit guide for Allen and that Allen did not want to talk to her and that he wants her to concentrate on her own life and to let him be! Can you imagine how Renee must have felt?

Renee then sent me an email to inquire if I had ever heard of anything happening like this before and of course, in all my years of study and exploration, I have never ever heard such a statement made! I was appaulled. My only way to explain it was that it was the medium's way of covering up her own inadequacies. I tried to impress that on Renee and encouraged her to set up a session with Glenn Dove, who I know to be a true, sincere, integral and gifted medium.

Just a few days ago, on the 28th of May, Renee and her husband drove out to Baldwin so that Renee could have an in-person session with Glenn Dove. Lo and behold, Allen and many other relatives came forward to speak to Renee and of course, as we would suspect, Allen was there loving his mother just as much as she was loving him. He was able to indentify himself to her by mentioning things in ways that only she would understand the significance of. I know the session has lifted her and eased her mind in so many ways.

A medium can have an off day. However, a true medium will not need you to tell them why you are there, will not come up with endless names and images that ring no bells, and will not deliver you a harmful message as a way to cover her ass! When loved ones are brought together love is present. It is a blessing that helps the beings on both sides of the veil and even in disagreements, understanding and acceptance prevail. Don't be afraid of this kind of communication with the other side. Those who loved you once, love you now and only desire to help and comfort you.

So, I encourage all of you to seek this kind of communication but to be cautious of who you go to. And if you do find yourself in a session that just doesn't feel right, somehow doesn't ring true, pick up your bags and exit the door. You always have the choice to walk out and not listen. Trust yourself in this regard and be self protective and you will be okay!

I am asking again for all of you to post your comments and share a piece of your lives with me and the others. I keep wishing to hear from more of you. Hopefully soon you will all begin to contribute!

Love to you all,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Boy did I have a night last night! I went to a large group session, (approximately 120 people) with medium Reverend Ron Fredrecks, who is a medium extraordinaire! Let me tell you how this went.
I was there with Jessica and Aaron. As the room filled up as Reverend Ron spoke of his work, and asked people to turn off their cell phones, stressing that a cell phone ringing could break his trance. Then we were all given a small piece of paper that was folded in half. It was called a billet. We were instructed to fill them out the billets in a specific way. You could write down as many a 3 names of people you would like to connect up with, the relationship that they had to you, ask one question and print and sign your name. This is what mine looked like.

Daniel Migdol Son
Herman Perl father
Harry Edwards mentor

I am assisted by you in my healing work

Sheri Perl Migdol

The billets were collected in a little basket. All I could figure was that he was going to read these billets and see what he picked up. Wrong again! At his request the group sand "Cumbaya" and while we were doing this he taped his eyes shut and put a big blindfold over them. There is no way this man was going to read those billets with his eyes!

In an instant he reached his hand into the basket, took out a billet, rubbed it between his fingers and then held it up against his forehead. Then he would say something like this, "I have a beautiful woman here by the name of Elisa Mendola" and each time someone would say, that is my mother or my father or my brother. Never once did he bring up a name that no one related to. He got first and LAST names, totally correctly and some of these names were long and complicated.

About a third of the way into this Ron asked who Aaron was. Aaron acknowledged. On his billet he had put Daniel Migdol---brother Herman Perl---Grandfather and his question had to do with the mysterious way lights go on and off around him. He asked Dan if he was responsible for this. Reverend Ron just came out and said that Daniel and Herman were there and that they were saying that they both are responsible for the light show. Then Ron said that John was there, (my grandfather) and that he said he has nothing to do with the lights!

Then Ron inquired as to whether there was a sister and then he said he was getting the name Jessica. Jess acknowleged, quietly. In response to her question to Dan which was "Can you hear me", he said that he can hear her, even when she talks very quietly but that she could talk louder in this bog group. He went on to say that if she would take the time to sit back and take in a deep breath, that she would hear his answer.

Then Ron asked who was Perl and wasn't that my maiden name? I said it was. He then said to me, "He was your son". Yes, indeed he was and is! In response to my question I was told that spirit is with me all the time helping me and my children.

It is hard to recall exact words but that was the gist of it. I hope my recording came out which I will check shortly. I simply had to write this blog first thing because I am so excited about it. I have never seen a medium take on an entire room of people and give each and every one of them a pertinent, evidential message from one or more of their loved ones on the other side. It was truely uplifting to see that everyone has someone that still watches and cares deeply for them and that our loved ones are indeed themselves.

I hope you are all well and to hear from you when time allows!

Love and blessings,

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hi Everyone,

The topic for today is: What's Our Defense Against Death?

I would always say to my kids that no matter how bad something was or seemed to be, that the only thing that mattered was to "take the teaching". I'd say, if you really screw up, but learn from it, then it hasn't been a total waste. If you don't learn from it, then it is a waste and you are bound to make the same mistake again...but if you take the teaching and learn something from it, it can improve your life.

And so I say, "What do we learn from the death of our child? What can we possibly learn? Even if you hear about the reasons for the death from a reliable medium, you still have to take that on faith. But, what do we really know? I'll tell you. What we know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is that physical life is impermanent! What we know is that everyone we love and cherish will, at one time or another, die and there is nothing we can do to stop that. We can try to resist, but that is more or less like holding onto a rope that is moving through our hands and trying with all our might to stop the movement. Inevitably, the harder you hold onto the rope, the fiercer the rope burns!

So, what can we do? Well, we try to hold the rope more lightly and surrender to the terms of our existence. But, I believe that there is one thing we can do and it is this: Love everybody even harder! When I am down, feeling Danny's loss acutely, I hear him wisper in my ear, "Love Jess more. Have more patience for her. Put more of your love into everything. Take the teaching and realize that everyone and everything that matters to you, even that little dog Steven sleeping next to you on the bed, is impermanent---so appreciate them and love them double! And love me double too. The funny thing is, you already do. It's a great deal for me, because since I am on this side, it seems I can do no wrong! 'Danny did this, Danny said that', it's like I've become a living God, a walking legend...So then, REALLY take the teaching and love everyone that matters to you as uncondtionally as you love me now and you will show yourself, as well as death, that it can disintegrate the body but it won't ever disintegrate love....if anything, from my perspective, death intensifies love." And so that's my defense to death. I say, death be not proud, you can move the pieces around the board, but that's as far as the separation goes. Love spans the grave and outlasts bodies and outlasts lifetimes and outlasts you!

And so, remember to send your child all your love at least once a day. Dan confirms that they do feel it and are healed by it. This is something that you all can do and I find that it heals me too. I refer you to "The Love Infusion" exercise I layed out for you in a former blog.

Please keep in touch, let others know about our blog, and share how you are doing and what you doing and what helps you. What helps you can help the rest of us.

With Love,

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hi Everyone,

Time for another post. Let's see...mediums huh? Okay. First to Roz. In comments, my friend Kat wrote about The Windbridge Institute. From what I understand Windbridge checks out the mediums that they recommend quite closely and list them on their web site, (I don't know the exact web site off hand but you can google them) and that gives you some kind of screening. But, as Susan said, if you had a positive experience with the woman in Hudson, then you might want to use her again. Susan suggested bringing the necklace that Andrew had given you, for some mediums really like to hold an object that has significant meaning to the person you are trying to contact. Bottom line however, (in my opinion)... if the medium is really gifted they shouldn't need anything but your presence....they shouldn't need you to tell them that you lost your son or his name. Yes, mediums can have a bad day, (they're only human too), and as Susan said, maybe the medium and your loved one on the other side just don't hit if off and your loved one vamooses...after all there is a lot going on with this kind of business that we can't see or know....but in most cases, if the medium is a true one, the data that comes through is real, relevant, poignant, indentifiable, significant, and right to the heart of what matters to the sitter. (we are the sitter)

As for me, I am on a wild investigative journey. I am getting recommendations on mediums, making phone calls and if the medium is not in my immediate area, arranging phone sessions which I tape. I am doing this as research for my book, but also as my solace. I have been crazy fascinated by spirits ever since I was healed by them in 1971, (If anyone reading this wants a copy of my book, Healing From the Inside Out, let me know and I will be glad to send you one) so I am merely continue to explore what I had already started but with greater vigor now that Danny is on that side. So, I will pass on the names of those I find helpful. I do want to make everyone aware that Michele Fletcher, a Windbridge medium, is holding a blogradio call-in show on Mother's Day at 3 PM our time. It is specifically for mothers who have lost children as well as children who have lost mothers. She is hoping to deliver messages to many of us and I hope, if you are available, that you willcall in. The number to call is: (646) 478-0695. I think it is such a nice thing for her to do. We had a recent phone session with her, (she is located in Cal) and found her to be real and definitely sincere and gifted. You can hear her on Mother's Day, which for me, as my first Mother's Day without Dan here, will be very helpful. To get to the show without calling go to and you can hear it.

So, I hope that you are all well, staying safe from all those swiney germs and please, stay in touch!
