Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hi Everyone,
    I hope everyone is well and in good spirits.  Speaking of spirits, we had one hell of an evening on July 17th with the Reverend Ron Fredrics who performs something called "Blindfold Billet Readings".  Up until May of this year, I had never heard of billet readings.  I don't believe that there are many mediums who do this.  I googled billet readers and only found one other person listed as a blindfold billet reader.  He, like Ron, lives in Florida.  However, my friend Joyce had seen Ron's work and after Danny passed she made of point of telling me that the next time Ron was in NYC, I simply had to see him.  This came about May 15, 2009 in a church in Greenwich Village where nearly 100 people gathered to watch a demonstration of life after death the likes of which I had never seen!  Ron's ear to the other side is so open, that the communications that come through are clear, correct and evidential.  It is much more like a direct line than a process of interpretation.  It's wild.  I recommend it for anyone who is mourning or in fear of death.
    On July 17, 2009 we, (Jerry Aaron Jess and I) hosted Ron in an evening of billets in a room we are able to rent in the sister building to the one we live in.  It was a joyous night as many were able to feel the love and connection between them and those on the other side who they miss.  I will describe exactly how billet readings work in the blog soon.  I have just gotten my web site up, and I am ready to shut down for the night.  But I want to spread the word that Ron will be returning to NYC in the end of September and will be doing another billet reading for us in the Ariel East.  I hope many of you will be there!  More to come from me about this.  Be well!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Hi Everyone,
Just a quick note to say hi and thank all of you for sending prayers and thoughts of love out to Danny on July 1. As some of you know, I am putting together my own web site where you will be able to register your child for a prayer/pool made up of other parents and caring souls who will take a moment to say a prayer for your child on the anniversary of their passing. This will be called The Prayer/Pool Registry or PPR. From what Dan has confirmed through numerous sessions with mediums, the prayers are very beneficial to them. Therefore I look forward to registering all of your children as soon as the site is up and running. Of course I will keep you posted through the blog. Please say hi and share your feelings about the PPR!

Love to all,